- I have an amazing Hubs, who loves me treats me with respect, picks up my slack, puts up with my nagging and mood swings, and is a wonderful and involved father.
- I'm Canadian, so I get to brag about a year maternity leave, free(ish) healthcare, and Justin Bieber. (Hah! I managed to work him into yet another blog post!)
- I have this week's episode of Glee on PVR. Gaga!!!
- I have a sound roof over my head and plenty of food on my table and have never had to spend much time worrying about money.
- I live in Vancouver. We have ocean, we have mountain, we have ridiculously overpriced real estate. What's not to love?
- I have a great job waiting for me, and I can afford to go back to work only four days a week and spend the extra day with Lilah.
- I actually like my in-laws. All of them.
- I have fantastic friends and family, who would drop everything to be by my side if I really needed them, even if I'm not always the best at returning phone calls and touching base.
- Though you wouldn't know it to look out my window at the moment, summer is just around the corner!
- I get to be mommy to the cutest, sweetest, loveliest little girl on the planet.
Really, how did I get so lucky?
Nice thoughts Amanda. Thanks for reminding me to take a moment and enjoy life. Looking forward to having you back at SESLP :)