Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday of Few Words: Kicking the February Blues

I'll admit it, I've been feeling a little sorry for myself these days. Much of February has been cold and rainy in Vancouver. There hasn't been a long weekend since January 1st, and there isn't another in sight till Easter.  And, let's face it, it's February.  Ugh. To top it all off, I've been working very long hours on Tuesdays, running a workshop for parents in the evenings.  My daily commute is long enough that it doesn't make sense to try to race home for dinner only to sit in traffic for over an hour to get back to the office in time to set up for the workshop.  So I've been spending a maaaaany hours at work on Tuesdays and getting home long after Lilah has gone to sleep and have been missing out on snuggles with my little munchkin.  My stress levels have been high, sleep has been hard to come by, and I haven't exactly been the mother (or speech therapist, for that matter) that I'd like to be.  And Lilah's surgery last week took a lot more out of me than I realized it would.  But... but.  This past weekend was gorgeous and sunny and just what the doctor ordered for a tired, stressed-out mama who's been missing her little family and needing to recharge - it had a little bit of everything:

Swinging with friends at the park;

games of peekaboo;

getting up close and personal with the ducks and geese at Granville Island;

and basking in the sun with Daddy.

Other highlights included dinner and drinks with friends from my mommy group (sans kids, but somehow we ended up talking about them the entire time), and couple good workouts, and making time to do some baking.

Is anybody else suffering from the February Blues?  How do you sweep them away?  Tell me in the comments!


  1. This is when I love living in South Delta. There are many days that it's sunny here and rainy across the river. I appreciate that so much during the winter months!

  2. I love the peek a boo picture.
    Like you, getting outside when it is sunny is huge in changing my mood. Adam and I had a chance to go down to Lynwood last weekend (w/out the kids_ when his parents were here. It was nice to get some alone time and go out for an adult lunch. It was a late Valentine Date Day. We did not stay overnight because no one should have to deal with Jack's sleep lately.

  3. I shop, for spring clothes.

  4. Live close to where you work! I now have time (if I can leave work on time) to go for a half hour swim before picking up Jake from daycare. That totally helps, although I still find myself asleep on the couch by 8pm on weeknights...Sydelle (I know I signed in as Ryan but I can't be bothered to change it!)


Comments: I love 'em. Tell me what you think!


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